
I was fortunate to have my D.Phil thesis, Essays on Auctions, jointly supervised by Paul Klemperer and Vince Crawford.

I am equally grateful to Alan Beggs and Martin Pesendorfer for being my examiners, and providing excellent feedback.

A list of my current papers is below.


Accepted or Published 

Strategic supply management and mechanism choice in government debt auctions: An empirical analysis from the Philippines (Journal of Banking & Finance,  2023)


Do hybrid auctions always give “the best of both worlds”? An illustration from asymmetric Anglo–Dutch auctions (The Japanese Economic Review,  2022)


The Impact of Auction Choice on Revenue in Treasury Bill Auctions - An Empirical Evaluation (International Journal of Industrial Organization,  2017)


Auctions for quota: A primer and perspectives for the future (Fisheries Research, 2017)


Fear not the simplicity - An experimental analysis of auctions for complements (Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 2018)


Central counterparty auction design (with Gerardo Ferrara and Xin Li; 2020, Journal of Financial Market Infrastructures, earlier draft: Bank of England Working Paper, 2017)


Media Coverage

Don't run CCP auctions by fear, study argues (discussing: Central counterparty auction design, article, June 2020)


Under revision / Working Papers

Non-Standard Features in Auctions for Shares and Their Implications for Structural Econometric Methods (Available at SSRN, 2023)


EPIC Fail: How Below-Bid Pricing Backfires in Multiunit Auctions  (with Sanna Laksá and Alex Teytelboym, CIRJE Working Paper, 2018)


Testing the Validity of Non-Parametric Value Estimates in Treasury Bill Auctions Using Top-Up Auction Data (CIRJE Working Paper, 2018)


Auctions for complements: theories vs experiments (2018) (with Alexander Levkun and Alex Teytelboym)


Piracy as promotion? The importance of diffusion in the music industry. (with María Martín-Rodríguez, CIRJE Working Paper, 2020)


Mandatory reserve requirements in medical procurement auctions: Evidence from Finland. (with Janne Sirniö, in preparation)